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Seder Prep

Writer's picture: MARIKAMARIKA

Today I made matzoh to prepare for virtual Passover tomorrow. I think it came out okay!

As I went about checking off my seder plate list (we're fudging a couple things, since we're avoiding too many grocery runs), I thought about the symbolic meanings of each item - the mortar, the bitter tears, unleavened bread. How it's not just enough to remember the tradition, but to give it an ingestible form, engaging taste, and giving nourishment.

I'm also finding the refrain, "next year, in Israel," very comforting. I keep thinking, "next year, when we're not all trapped inside, and we can celebrate in person..." This idea, that time will keep moving forward, this too shall pass.

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Apr 13, 2020

It tasted GREAT the day of! And then at our seder, just a little stale. But Itamar was happy to eat it all anyway :) Lesson learned - it's so quick to make, just do it the morning of, Marika!


Apr 13, 2020

How did it taste?!

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